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List Of Highest Match Officiate As An Umpire In IPL

Views: 27 | Updated On: | By Shubham Jangir

Here Is The List Of the Highest Matches As an Umpire In IPL

As an umpire, Sudarshan Ravi officiated most of the matches. he officiated 131 matches and second place hold by anil Choudhary who officiated 111 matches.

check out the full list below.

List Of the Highest Matches As an Umpire In IPL

Rank Matches Umpire Country Period
1 131 Sundaram Ravi India 2009-2021
2 111 Anil Chaudhary 2012-2022
3 94 Kumar Dharmasena Sri Lanka 2009-2018
4 89 Chettithody Shamshuddin India 2012-2021
5 83 Nitin Menon 2016-2022
stay tuned..


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