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List Of State Of India

Views: 7 | Updated On: | By Anish Jangir

Here is the list of states in India.

India is an Asian country that is divided into 28 administrative states and 8 Union territories. The capital of India is Delhi.

Check out the complete list below.

List of state of India

Map key Name of State or Union Territory Number of districts Population Population/district
1 Andhra Pradesh 26 49,577,103 1,906,812
2 Arunachal Pradesh 26 1,383,727 53,220
3 Assam 35 31,205,576 891,588
4 Bihar 38 104,099,452 2,739,459
5 Chhattisgarh 33 25,545,198 774,097
6 Goa 2 1,458,545 729,273
7 Gujarat 33 60,439,692 1,831,506
8 Haryana 22 25,351,462 1,152,339
9 Himachal Pradesh 12 6,864,602 572,050
10 Jharkhand 24 32,988,134 1,374,506
11 Karnataka 31 61,095,297 1,970,816
12 Kerala 14 33,406,061 2,386,147
13 Madhya Pradesh 55 72,626,809 1,320,487
14 Maharashtra 36 112,374,333 3,121,509
15 Manipur 16 2,570,390 160,649
16 Meghalaya 12 2,966,889 247,241
17 Mizoram 11 1,097,206 99,746
18 Nagaland 16 1,978,502 123,656
19 Odisha 30 41,974,218 1,399,141
20 Punjab 23 27,743,338 1,206,232
21 Rajasthan 33 68,548,437 2,077,225
22 Sikkim 6 610,577 101,763
23 Tamil Nadu 38 72,147,030 1,898,606
24 Telangana 33 35,003,674 1,060,717
25 Tripura 8 3,673,917 459,240
26 Uttar Pradesh 75 199,812,341 2,664,165
27 Uttarakhand 17 10,086,292 775,869
28 West Bengal 30 91,276,115 3,042,537
A Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3 380,581 126,860
B Chandigarh 1 1,055,450 1,055,450
C Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 3 586,956 195,652
D Jammu and Kashmir 20 12,258,093 612,905
E Ladakh 2 290,492 145,246
F Lakshadweep 1 64,473 64,473
G Delhi 11 16,787,941 1,526,176
H Puducherry 4 1,247,953 311,988
36 Total 780 1,210,576,856 1,631,505
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