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List Of The Largest Manufacturers By Production In 2016

Views: 23 | Updated On: | By Anish Jangir

Here is the list of the largest manufacturers by production in 2016.

Japanese company Toyota was the largest manufacturing company in 2016 as they produced 10,213,486 motor vehicles. The German company Volkswagen Group was the second on the list with 10,126,281 motor vehicle production.

Check out the complete list below.

List of the largest manufacturers by production in 2016

Rank Group Country Vehicles
1 Toyota Japan 10,213,486
2 Volkswagen Group Germany 10,126,281
3 Hyundai / Kia South Korea 7,889,538
4 General Motors
(with SAIC-GM-Wuling)
United States
5 Ford United States 6,457,773
6 Nissan Japan 5,556,241
7 Honda Japan 4,999,266
8 FCA Italy / United States 4,681,457
9 Renault France 3,373,278
10 Groupe PSA France 3,152,787
11 Suzuki Japan 2,945,295
12 SAIC China 2,564,786
13 Daimler Germany 2,526,450
14 BMW Germany 2,359,756
15 Changan China 1,715,871
16 Mazda Japan 1,586,013
17 BAIC China 1,343,682
18 Dongfeng Motor China 1,315,490
19 Geely China 1,266,456
20 Great Wall China 1,094,360

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