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List Of The World's Largest Post-War Arms Exporter

Views: 19 | Updated On: | By Anish Jangir

Here is the list of the world's largest arms exporters.

The arms industry, also known as the arms trade, is a global industry that manufactures and sells weapons and military technology. It comprises a commercial industry involved in the research and development, engineering, production, and servicing of military materials, equipment, and facilities.

SIPRI uses "Trend-Indicator Values" (TIV). These are based on known unit production costs of weapons and represent a transfer of military resources rather than the financial value of the transfer.

Check out the full list below.

List of the world's largest arms exporters

Supplier Arms Exp
(in billion TIV)
1 United States 692,123
2 Russia 598,375
3 United Kingdom 143,205
4 France 125,932
5 Germany 87,431
6 China 56,160
7 Italy 33,296
8 Czech Republic 31,291
9 Netherlands 24,543
10 Israel 17,643

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