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Most educated countries in the world by population

Views: 15 | Updated On: | By Arbaz Khan

Education is the process of learning and acquiring information. The main purpose of education is to make every single person educated so that they can able to read and write in their life. Education makes every person self-independent and it is important for the economic growth of the nation and helps everyone to become successful and useful members of society.
Here’s a list of 10 most educated countries in the world by population.
Sr. No. Country Percentage educated
1. Canada 56.71%
2. Japan 51.44%
3. Israel 50.92%
4. South Korea 47.74%
5. United States 46.36%
6. United Kingdom 45.74%
7. Ireland 45.66%
8. Australia 45.36%
9. Finland 43.80%
10. Norway 43.21%

⦿Did you know?

1. As of 2012, 31 million primary-school pupils worldwide dropped out of school.

2. According to UNESCO, 61 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2010.

3. 53% of the world’s out-of-school children are girls and 2/3 of the illiterate people in the world are women.

Stay Tuned To List.Sacnilk


Q.1 Which country is no.1 in education?
Ans. Canada.

Q.2 Which state has 100% literacy rate?
Ans. Kerala, India

Q.3 Which country's education is toughest?
Ans. China is ranked 1 and just after that comes the Indian education system.

Q.3 Which country's education is toughest?
Ans. China is ranked 1 and just after that comes the Indian education system.


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